Wednesday, January 9, 2008

show love..

I have talked about it before and I will continue to talk about it! cause it seems like people have forgot what the life is all about!!

No its not about money and clothes material stuff and party party all night all day long..

Its about love and family feel the connection with all the people around you.. give and be nice..

I see 2 much of selfishness and I wanna.. gimme ! some people dont see how fuckin selfish they are, and some others are so giving..

If you start to give you will recive the best of all.. trust me..

Giving is not always about give money to the needed.. its giving a stranger a smile.. your partner some kisses and hugs when he pass by you in the kitchen.. your appriciation to people who are nice..

So start give more and also recive more.. 1 love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Verkligen, folk är förjävligt snåla. Det är ju gratis att le mot någon & najz att se någon le tillbaks, vafan är det så svårt för folk för?