Thursday, April 5, 2007


TEN Random Things About Me
10. I have the youngest child syndrome
9. I have 7 sisters
8. I wanted to be a vet when I was little
7. I listenedto Bob Marley as a kid..
6. I love mexican food
5. I wrote diary through all school years
4. I lost my virginity when I was 13
3. I am chubby or as they say in U.S..thick
2. My name means smart,wise, intelligence
1. I believe in Monagami

NINE Places I've Visited
9. London
8. Berlin
7. Madrid
6. Torledo
5. Copenhagen
4. Gotemburgh
3. Cambridge
2. Alicante
1. Potsdamm

EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
8. buy a big house
7. travel alot
6. get married
5. have a BIG family
4. get to work with something I like
3. be at peace with myself
2. earn alot of money
1. find true happiness

SEVEN Ways to win my heart
7. challenge me
6. have a good sense of humor thats nasty/naughty
5. trust me
4. not be possessive
3. intelligent
2. passionate
1. let me be free

SIX Things I believe in
6. God
5. we are destroying the earth
4. karma
3. my close friends
2. My mother
1. myself

FIVE Things I'm afraid of
5. the power of hatred
4. mother nature
3. ignorance
2. die before the kids are grown
1. weird diseases

FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom:
4. my TV
3. my LapTop
2. the bed
1. my pillows

THREE Things I do everyday
3. drink water
2. shower
1. wonder what Iam going to do for the rest of my life

TWO Things I am trying not to do right now:
02. get well from this cold
1. write this..

ONE Person I want to see right now:

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