Thursday, January 18, 2007


what the hell is wrong with people today?? not just today mean like in this time area?? people act like they dont have a brain and specially the men..I cant say what it is..they just behave in a not normal way.. acting like they are God's but still they cant do anything...they dont get their own money, they sleep all day, they fuck anything that comes around, they make u feel safe for in the next minut tear your whole reality apart...
They dont feel ashame for the bad they caused in your life and they expect you 2 forgive em even though they dont ask for your forgiveness and then they expect sex and all to be good as hell!!!

FUCK YOU!! theres a reason why Iam still singel and its soon gonna be 2 years since I had a BF... Is this something swedish fenomen..or is it all over the fucking world?? Thats what I wanna know..

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