Friday, January 19, 2007

my mother

I can honestly say I have no secrets.. Iam open as a book to people who know me.. my friends and family know the whole story.. and since I was a little girl I always told my mother everything, and I asked her about everything...
Ma what does horny means?? that one I get to hear alot of jokes about and my older sisters always is like what is wrong with you? asking those kinda questions??lol.. but I never cared if I wanna know or tell something it was my mother that I talked to and those days its still is.. I can trust her to 100% and often when people tell me stuff I cant tell but they know I always share it with my mother they say and dont tell your mother...ofcourse I keep my mouth

When I was a teenager I surely was real experimental and curious.. I tried all the drugs and I never hide that from my mother who ofcourse was very worried wich I couldnt understand cause I knew this was just a period in my life...
This lead to some years of anger cause I thought she was just messy with me..and I thought she couldnt understand me at all...
Now I do understand and I do feel that worrie she was feeling.. thats whats its like being a mother...Iam constantly worried about mine 2 and still Iam pretty laid back I think ..
My mother gave me so much when I was a kid, she is a strong woman and she is the reason to that my chaildhood was good... she is my hero and she can teach me whatever..

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